Example of new artwork that has been evolved since the initial shows. All these pieces were created using the evolve-it tools, are children from the pieces in the Darwin show. So while offspring from the orginal Darwin's Gaze work, they do not have the evolutionary pressure toward Darwin portrait but more the direction viewers decided to evolve towards at the momment. Hence the name "Swimming away from Darwin". Try the evovle-it tool yourself and send me the genotype to add to theses.

Video Excerpts (youtube) of concepts from MIT and Cambridge Shows.

[PDF] DiPaola S, Gabora L, "Incorporating Characteristics of Human Creativity into an Evolutionary Art Algorithm" Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines Journal, in press, 2009.

[PDF] DiPaola S, Gabora L, "Incorporating Characteristics of Human Creativity into an Evolutionary Art Algorithm", In Proceedings of the 2007 GECCO Conference Companion on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (London,, July 07 - 11, 2007). GECCO '07. ACM, New York, NY, 2450-2456.

[PDF] DiPaola S, "Evolving Creative Portrait Painter Programs Using Darwinian Techniques with an Automatic Fitness Function", Proceedings of Electronic Imaging & Visual Arts, London. July. 2005.

Related Research Papers:

[PDF] DiPaola S, "Exploring a Parameterized Portrait Painting Space", International Journal of Art and Technology, in press, 2009.

See DiPaola's research lab's site iVizLab for additional information.